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Nightlife In The Coal City

Nightlife In The Coal City

When it comes to nightlife and how a place like Enugu shows off, you can bet that they’ve got it wrapped around their finger like a ring of honor. The nightlife in Enugu City is vibrant and appealing to night owls (life of the party). Well, if you are a life of the party, then you should pay Enugu a visit. There are several restaurants, bars, and nightclubs that offer nighttime entertainment, and you definitely do not want to miss out on this.

The night party days are usually Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, making the weekend the most pleasant time of the week. Although, a lot of other fun activities also happen on other days but if you want a bubbly and volcanic club night, then you should look out for these dates. There is never a dull night in Enugu thanks to the crowds that congregate at the wine bars and other establishments scattered across the city. Nightclubs in Enugu include but are not limited to:

1. Orange Room

2. Villa Toscana

3. Extreme Lounge

4. True Lounge

Nightclubs and bars may be found at hotels including the:

1. Dmatel Hotel and Resort

2. Amazon Hotel

3. Hotel Toscana

4. Nike Lake Resort/Hotel

5. Hotel Metropole International Ltd

 6. Rossy Valley International Hotels complex.

7. Chiez Inn.

There are also so many other hotels and outdoor bars to help people celebrate and party over the night. When it comes to places to be, Enugu comes alive at the nighttime.


Enugu is typically the place to be, especially in the East. For individuals who prefer nighttime excursions. In the “Coal City,” every day is a holiday since there are so many bars and clubs open every night of the week and on the weekends, especially on Fridays and Saturdays when there is a big influx of visitors from out of town.

As much as people are looking for something to keep them up at night, the nationwide insecurity issue has taken a toll on Enugu’s nightlife. The once-vibrant nightlife in the coal city has been hindered and restrictions on tricycle operators in Enugu State is at a high plane.

However, the city’s nightlife and nighttime activities are still going on, just at a softer tune now and also with a close observation on time. Not to worry, the government is working towards making Enugu safe and if you know the state, then you’ll know it’s one of the safest in Nigeria.

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